The men who tell me about my fatness

Flickr / Bridget CoilaSome few instances in my life, I’ve come across a number of personalities — nerds, smart-ass guys, douches, and a combination of ‘em. And although I’ve become fond with most of them (or maybe ALL of them because you never have a choice when you’re in high school/when your hormones get the best of…

Never Date A Guy Who Would Call You Fat

Now that I’m 37 & sober and I know who I am, I’m not surprised when a man tells me I’m fat.  I am aware of how big my own body is, how much space I take up.  To the man who would call me fat & expect me to be around when nobody better wants to fuck him, I would say this, “well yeah, I’m fat.  Thanks for being so honest about it.  And since we’re being honest here, you have no hair/don’t make enough money/dress like a hobo/need to shave, your beard gets crumbs in it, and I’m glad we have the sort of relationship where we can always be honest.”. Then kiss him and move on with the day, leaving him to wonder who else thinks of him as bald/broke/a bad dresser/unkempt.

It doesn’t matter what the game is, gentlemen, I WILL play back (rather than run home & cry) and I play nasty.

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